
...... 2010年09月29日 の日記 ......
■ じゃあ、まったね♪   [ NO. 2010092901-1 ]


コウモリ岩は昨日の大雨の影響でなかなか厳しい状態でしたが、転戦せず(二日酔いで動くのがだるくて…)Letクライミング♪ こんな状態の中でも…

成田君が朝いちたわしで大掃除した『イヤーイヤー』をRP(石灰岩初11おめでとう♪) 熱を出した奥様は、大丈夫だったかな?



和田じは『ダイノサウルス』を初日でほぼあと一手まで迫り安定した強さをアピール(^-^)v クライミングも結婚準備も頑張ってね!


自分は二日酔いでアプローチからフラフラな体たらくm(u_u)m 特に、何も登れませんでした。

みんなと半年間、勤務サイクルが変わって一緒には登れなくなるけど、次に一緒に登れる時に満足いく登りができる様に登り続けるよぉ〜♪ またね〜(^O^)/


...... 返信 ......
■Octordle   [ NO. 2010092901-2 ]
Play Octordle with friends. Surely she will not be able to take her eyes off. It is an upgraded version of Wordle game. Puzzle games are not easy. But use your wits to overcome it
silajay 2022/09/16 16:31:53 [MAIL]
■bob the robber   [ NO. 2010092901-3 ]
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lawsonschiller 2022/11/30 16:50:09 [MAIL]
■FNF   [ NO. 2010092901-4 ]
It's been a pleasure working with you, admin, and sharing this fantastic information with us. I find your blog to be really beneficial. fnf mods

fnf mods 2022/12/16 10:59:42 [MAIL]
■Nanisa   [ NO. 2010092901-5 ]
Are you prepared to play the game bitlife - Life Simulator and experience an interesting virtual life?
Nanasi 2023/01/09 12:19:49 [MAIL]
■very good   [ NO. 2010092901-6 ]
What a great article flagle! Thank you so much and I really look forward to reading more articles from you.
boys6 2023/05/17 12:46:55 [MAIL] [HP]
■Tetris   [ NO. 2010092901-7 ]
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Tetris 2023/06/27 19:09:07 [MAIL] [HP]
■Nanisa   [ NO. 2010092901-8 ]
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Tetris 2023/06/27 19:10:14 [MAIL] [HP]
■lopiva1993   [ NO. 2010092901-9 ]
Your post has those facts which are not accessible from anywhere else.
lopiva1993 2023/06/30 15:09:31 [MAIL]
■tiny fishing    [ NO. 2010092901-10 ]
Tiny Fishing 2023/12/27 16:06:12 [MAIL] [HP]
■word games   [ NO. 2010092901-11 ]
A game that has never stopped being hot: word games. You can play a lot of wordle unlimited at word games, Experience with your children and friends will definitely be your good means. Help you learn as well as expand your mind
Laydi1 2024/04/03 18:39:47 [MAIL]
■Mr   [ NO. 2010092901-12 ]
Please check out https://waveexecutor.com/ for windows exploit
Brown Robert 2024/04/29 19:33:44 [MAIL] [HP]
■tgtah   [ NO. 2010092901-13 ]
For more information on how to download and use the Chinese version of Telegram, please visit our external blog link:Telegram下載
telegramioscom 2025/01/17 16:00:13 [MAIL] [HP]

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